Search Results
DIMENSIONS: Tobacco Pharmacotherapy
TB and Tobacco: Pharmacotherapy for Tobacco Cessation
Webinar: Pharmacotherapy to support smoking cessation
Tobacco/Nicotine Cessation - Tools for Applying Pharmacotherapy Successfully
Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy Brian Hurley
ASCP Webinar: Cardiovascular Concerns of Pharmacotherapies for Smoking Cessation
Webinar: What's new in the 2nd Ed of Supporting Smoking Cessation: A Guide for Health Professionals?
Methods of Smoking Cessation
Smoking cessation (part 2) - How to manage smokers: Drop the work 'Quit'
Tobacco cessation: eagles trial, high dose varenicline (evidence guiding tobacco cessation practice)
WEBINAR: Pharmacotherapy for Tobacco Dependence-Richard D. Hurt, M.D., Mayo Clinic
2007-03-14: Pharmacotherapy Smoking Cessation Trials: Exploring the Relationship Between Adverse ...